The local "Tea Party" was pretty well attended by mostly older people.
Jeff Trexler, Secy of the local (newly formed) Constitution Party, opened the gathering with a prayer, the everyone took their place in line. I was hoping to find Shawn the Beer Philos'pher there, since it was he
who tipped me off (on Twitter) about this event, and he and I expressed a difference of opinion about it's importance: I called it "
sour grapes in a teapot" but Shawn said he'd rather have sour grapes than kool-aid... (Maybe Shawn should trying selling sour grapes at a sidewalk stand this summer to see which beverage washes down better with the public).
Also in the crowd, my house manager (who intensely dislikes Obama) and local blogger "Greener Than Thou" who handed out flyers of her own: about spending tax money to kill children and save bankers (and writes about the experience "
At the Mad Hatters Tea Party" in her blog).
Also old friends Mark and Lynn (who spoke against Obama "spreading abortion" throughout the world with his policies).
Didn't see any tea, though... Click on the photo for more detail.