Thursday, July 10, 2008

Partying at True Value

After a grueling day at work yesterday, I hooked up with one of my Amtrak friends to attend the Chamber of Commerce 'Business After Hours' schmooze-fest in honor of C'dale's new City Manager, Allen Gill, who has been on the job for a couple of weeks (although I can find no mention of him in the City website).

Who would have thought socializing amidst appliances and lawn furniture could be so much fun? Fueled by a catered spread, and a glass or two of Chateau Red from Von Jakob Vineyard, -- and the company of Conductor Dave, and Valerie Rasp, of Keep Carbondale Beautiful, and Good Samaritan House director Susan Metcalf, I haven't had a more enjoyable social hour this year. (Rescuing a fly from Valerie's wine was a highlight. I shoulda shot some video of its recovery process) Also flying by our table, Chamber director Meredith Rhoades, and Murdale True Value owner George Sheffer.

Sheffer is the man behind the huge "Saluki Pride" Dawg Paw Prints on the streets and highways leading into town . . . and he outlined for Valerie all the steps that had to be negotiated with the City and State authorities to accomplish that feat. (Early this coming Sunday morning the Saluki Pridesters will be out on Grand Ave. laying down some fresh Paw paint. ... Since I will already be up-and-about at that time, some photos may be coming your way next week, Bloggee.)

Many other business and community leaders lined up to meet Mr. Gill, including fellow blogger and businessman Scott Thorne, who may well have his own take on the event.

Now playing: Stacy Mitchhart - Got to Get the Feeling Back Again
via FoxyTunes

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