Thursday, April 23, 2009

Giving it the old collage try

Yesterday, I went to Marberry Arboretum and snapped a few photos. There will be chapter on the Arboretum and other local green spots in my blook, Karmadale After Blog.

Does anyone know who Douglas N. McEwen is? The bench where i was sitting when the tree-sky photo was taken is dedicated to him.

I'll be uploading more collages and slideshows to this blog as the blook progresses, using my "SuperSlip 257" and Picasa.

Peace out.


Anonymous said...

Maybe McEwen is the 2003 Chair of Friends of the Marberry Arboretum or a retired recreation professor. - info from "paranoid" commenter

Unknown said...

I used to live right by the "aboretum" before it was anything. The owner of the land lived across the street as I remember, and the story was that he bought trees for SIU and occasionally a tree bought would end up there. The place was very overgrown, but you would find trees and bamboo from all over the world there. Sometimes people would hassle me for being there, but I was given permission to trespass there. I really liked the pond at the far end of the property, and the dark woods behind the children school adjasent to the "park" I do not remember the name of the guy who owned the land, it seems implied that that was Marberry, if not it could be MC Ewen?