Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Boutique beats bus

The guy who operates the local Greyhound Bus office has offered me the opportunity to take over the station, since I used to work there when it was located next to the Bike Surgeon. It's tempting, but the situation now requires customers to purchase tickets on North Washington St. where the Big Muddy Independent Media Center is located. But the BMIC will be moving out, which means the rent will go up -- and the bus still stops in front of Amtrak!

I wanted to rent this long-vacant building on the corner of Elm and Illinois Ave. to be the new location for the ticket office, but a high fashion dress venture, called 2 Two Boutique, beat me to it. It's not open yet, but will be soon.

I still think the Greyhound ticket office would be good there, since it's across from the Amtrak station. The space might be available in a year or two (the way new business goes in this town), although I hear that the owner of "2" is the son of one of the local Sufis -- which means that he and his partner will have a steady stream of business from that growing community of American Muslims, most of whom are women and good dressers. ;-) Not to mention all the people who go to Booby's, The Bike Surgeon and Amtrak.

A better location for the Greyhound ticket office is still needed. But where?


Castle Perilous Games said...

I knew I'd seen lights in there. Gald to see another empty storefront filling up.

Castle Perilous Games said...

As far as a ticket office, maybe the Cole for Mayor campaign headquarters after the election ends. Not as convenient as the McNeil's Jewelry building but you wouldn't need much space.

PeterG said...

It is interesting what a difference a few years makes. There were lots of openings 5 years ago when I moved back to town.

Maybe if Sheila wins the election she will help you out by implementing her economic development ideas?

Parentheticus said...

Scott--the old McNeill's jewelry is up the street, on Monroe & Illinois...I've been thinking about renting the back part, which has an entrance on Monroe.

Peter - actually, Cole wants to build an Intermodal Transportation Center and that would be better for the Bus than anything Simon has suggested in her plan.