Monday, January 08, 2007


Ten days ago, before the new year, I made a list of things to do in 2007. Most were projects (originally proposed in this blog) that still have 'legs' like
  • Building a Carbondale Bark Park on Oakland St. or other suitable location.
  • Producing "Pianos" and "Voices" versions of Between the Rivers to benefit good causes. Some excellent performers have provided material so far, but more is needed to make a full-bodied compilation.
  • Developing the Shawnee Net portal. The "news aggregator" feature is a time saver, the way the most recent news articles from local news sources are available at the click of a mouse. I hereby resolve to add a photo gallery and local online store in 2007.
  • Finishing the blook after the City Council swearing-in ceremony, and before my signing off from this blog for good. (I know, you've heard that before).
In the meantime, promoting the "Town Square" district of Carbondale using a multi-media approach is a top priority, in addition to marketing local art.

Other projects will inevitably crop up this year (such as the mayoral marital mission below), but the current list will give me something to do, when I'm not engaged in one guilty pleasure or another.

Wishing all who read this a bloggy & productive year.


Anonymous said...

Sounds like a pretty ambitious agenda. I've only got juggling and the harmonica and finishing my article on fan behaviour on mine. Any idea how much you're going to charge for the blook?

Parentheticus said...

I learned to juggle three things once, but didn't keep it up. However, my business plan is like spinning plates.

An article on fan behavior sounds interesting. It's amazing the amount of 'transference' that goes on with fans and their teams.

The blook will cost exactly $20 (including State and Local tax).

If you know someone with editing skills have him/her contact me. Not for proofreading, but editing. (Will pay hourly, plus a royalty on sales, to that certain someone.)