Friday, January 04, 2008

Barack & K. Rock

Don't want to make too much of yesterday's Iowa Caucus result, but I must've had psychic dyslexia when I picked a Clinton-Obama dream ticket months ago. Clearly it's Obama-Clinton, or Obama-Edwards, or Obama-and anyone else. The Republican field is so lame, except for Ron Paul. It's definitely time for change! Sweep the White House halls and closets clean of all the cobwebs, ghosts, and skeletons.

Listening to Kid Rock as I write. He's been on TV a lot lately, with a full concert schedule, including one in Evansville this month. Who knew he was so deep? Check out his song "Amen." Been listening to all the songs on his new album Rock & Roll Jesus. I wonder if he backs Barack, who has a messianic message of his own!

In conclusion: Kid Rock rocks, and Barack will roll to victory in November.

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